Become a Community Editor. Free Memberships for your Support! is a community, membership and combined e-commerce site. We are looking constantly to add new and interesting topics. Do you have a particular hobby or knowledge you like to share? Do it here! Every set of links you can create in the same way as all of our existing LMx Research Letters will be distributed for free to others. Every LMx letter will be checked according our quality guidelines and added if passed.

To complete a new LMx Research Letter, at least 20 quality and documented links are required. Hand-selected. Up to 30 or 40 would be accepted too. The letter’s topic must be focused, new, and links should guide to educational oriented contents rather then to advertised ones. You should have visited each site you do recommend to us. Badly designed sites can be ignored, in most cases there are alternatives available.

Heavily advertised sites will also not be accepted, we have always a positive user experience in mind. But your recommendations can be from any category, like travel, art, history, culture, science etc. You can guide us to any valuable sites, documents, videos, worksheets and even lengthily PDF files. The choice is always yours.

Every community writer and provider of 20 new approved LMx Research letters get a free ‘ADVANCED‘ membership for 3 months and after 50 letters a free ‘VIP‘ membership for 1 year!


It is easy to create one single research letter. Takes only one day or two. With some experience, even much less. Please contact us for more detailed information, including related to our very important quality guidelines. Hope you find creating and providing new contents as interesting and exciting as we do.

Start right now and here.



Last Published/Updated: March 12, 2021 v.1.02


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