Quality and Fast Custom Research For Reporters, Writers, Editors and Researchers

Doing research on the Internet is always very time consuming considering those uncountable sites who are only advertising oriented or do present thin contents. To help you to get better and faster results for your initial research, our site link-mail.com was created. It provides help and relieve by providing topical information in a concise yet comprehensive manner, allowing to cut your initial research time perhaps by half or much more.

To facilitate even faster access to urgent required information, we have just released a set of CUSTOM RESEARCH programs, allowing us to do any initial research on YOUR behalf.

$99/per Custom Research
2-5 Days (Standard)

$199/per Custom Research
1 Day (Fast Track Priority)

$299/per Custom Research
3 Hours (Highest Priority)

Our programs are divided into three groups:

2501 Custom Research Advanced Group I. — $99
We do the deep Internet research according to your needs but be allowed to release the researched information (links) in one of our future LMx Research Newsletters after 2 months. That gives you an informational head start on your end while allows for cheaper costs for you. Each custom research letter is limited to 30 hand-selected links to keep the research focused. All sites mentioned have been visited by our team. Delivery of the custom research letters and links are within 2-5 working days.

Order Now! - Internet Custom Research Completed within 2-5 hours

2502 Custom Research Advanced Group II (Fast) — $199

As in the custom research group I, our custom research is done ONLY for you. The information provided to you are unique to your requirements. If overlapping custom requests of similar topics occur, we start always fresh with the research and collect what we can find from the date we started the research. We do not copy from one custom research paper to another.

All research is always done by hand, following our internal quality guidelines. Each 2502 custom research advanced letter is limited to maximum 50 links but not less than 20, depending on the published and available information. Delivery of the research is done fast within only 1 working day.

Order Now! - Internet Custom Research Completed within 1 day

2503 Custom Research Advanced Group III (Extra Fast) — $299

This custom research is done within very close communication with clients. The Information are hand-selected and will be delivered within only 3 hours after having received the payment. Max 30 links will be researched. This letter will NEVER be released to the public or be part as one of our membership’s LMx research letters. All links have been visited to ensure our quality guidelines. You may publish its contents in any way you like as all transferable copyrights will be provided to you. Unless you given permit, we won’t republish or repurpose your 2503 custom research letter.

Order Now! - Internet Custom Research Completed within 3 hours


Direct benefits using our special service:

  • Fast custom access to required or difficult to find information
  • Ideal for any ongoing studies or research
  • Always fresh contents as focusing on latest available information
  • Documented descriptions so interested contents can be easily identified
  • Target links. No need to spend time on useless information
  • Optimized PDF file with clickable links for ALL research groups
  • Unique contents forever (2503 Custom Research Advanced)


Custom research is the ideal solution for:

  • Reporters & Journalists
  • Researchers, Writers & Students
  • Everyone in need for fast access to high quality curated contents
  • Anyone working with time-restrains and with time-limited projects
  • Site owners & webmasters: Custom research contents can be used in blogs & articles.


Contact us if you have any questions or place a custom research order with 20% discount using our limited 2022-to-Jan-8th-2023 available coupon code: CUSTRES20%


– ALL PDF links are made clickable but best tools to display, use or follow them are natively with Microsoft Edge browser or the Foxit PDF stand alone reader. Adobe PDF reader may work 100% too.
– FireFox does read PDF file natively, but it may be necessary to tell him via settings which reader should be used best for that task. Clickable PDF links depends heavily on your system setup and your O.S., browser and pre installed programs.



© Last Published/Updated: November 08, 2022 v.1.05


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