How to search the Internet more effectively in 2022

# How to search the Internet more effectively in 2022!

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Internet research is easy. We all do it. But are we doing it right? Here are some new search and research tips and tricks based on our extensive experience over the years.

Most start doing research using Google. And why not. Google has currently a worldwide search engine market share of over 92%. Next is Bing with only 3% followed by Yahoo with 1.3%. The question is however, does Google deliver?

Google processes over 3.5 billion searches every day, or, 1.2 trillion searches per year. That is hard to beat. But hard to follow as a marketer are also Google's Algorithm updates. During the last five years Google made 11 of them. Some affected the sellers more than others. It makes sense to follow up what is going on in Google's mind.

Said that, for us research is successful if a given search engine can show us the indexed sites in an easy way and if the sites are valuable for our requirements. The user interface or GUI should be clean. For that we definitely prefer over Google. Why? Because this search engine has no advertising on its main listing. It may start with a few available videos and the remaining part is just a listing of links. No ads. But as with Google, those links are vetted automatically, not manually as does for its guests and memebers.

We care about the quality of the links but at the same time we want to find them quickly. How about you?

It should be noted that DuckDuckGo is a meta-search engine. That is, they get their results from many sources and some search engines. It includes Bing, Yahoo!, WolframAlpha, and its own web crawler. Google does collect from a wider audience, though. He uses its spiders rather than concentrating on results from other search engines. He is the major search engine!

Question is, however, do both search engines deliver the same links? Same quality? As per visual inspection, that is not necessarily the case. Priorities are somewhat different. But rating might be subjective anyhow. We visit shown sites if we feel their title and descriptions do meet the criteria we are looking for.

We know that we never can visit all the links, so we go for what seems to be relevant to our search and research. First place in listing never means that those are the links we're looking for. We do not care about the position of any site on any search listing. Often enough, we found our contents only deep in the search result, like on page 10 or 15 or even 100.

To make sure we get what we need, we need of course to ask Google and other search engines the right questions in a way that restricts the response and narrows it down.

To start with, we use only phrases. Multiple words. The result may be likely enough for us to work with. Google has a phrase match behavior like exact match, broad match, negative keyword match and BMM types. Use them in your search. You can also take a look at another Google Phrase Match Guide for a somewhat different view.

You might use similar techniques at DuckDuckGo. They have their own guide and search tricks . While it takes some time to understand them all, they certainly help you to find what you are looking for.

Feeding the search engines the right way influences the search result outcome in a big way. As more detailed your search term and string is presented, as a better reply you can expect. Personally, we seldom search with less than three phrases and mostly not more than five or six. It depends on our SEO strategy. We don't want the whole Internet given as a reply but still need and want sufficient and focused feedback.

For those looking for academic papers, you may like to add sites like but perhaps more importantly, make sure you include at times the file extension .pdf in your search term.

Google is not an all-in-one search engine. Specialized search engines might be a better solution to find the links you are looking for. Just as a sample, you might take a look at to find academic papers and related articles who use plenty of scholaric .html or .pdf files you might want to have a look at.

Within its chosen research topics, already visited many of the seach engines, special search engines or special directories to find the contents we believe you may be interested in. To start your own research, maybe you start with our site. They give you the headstart you need. Just visit our affordable shop (with integrated search) or use one of our top header menus to get an idea of what we have already researched for our visitors.

Of course we would appreciate you becoming a member of our community too. For those registered, most contents are available and free. Thousands of documented and vetted links are at your fingertips and can be immediately downloaded at your request

It is much easier to get a headstart with our contents for your research than to start your own and hope you find what you need in time. If nothing else, if you follow your own research tactics, you have to filter out thin sites or sites with advertising you don't want to see. At our site, we have done that process already for you!


© Last Published/Updated: June 8, 2022 v.1.01



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