This No Refund Policy applies to all payments for digital products and services. Other payments (if any) are governed by our Terms of Service (TOS).
1. Digital Goods, Subscriptions & Services
Link-Mail is an online research service and as such, we are producing and selling our in-house Research Letters as digital guides for Guests or discounted in Membership Subscriptions. Occasionally we may be affiliated with services like Amazon who all have their own return policies for you. As of currently, we sell only digital products.
a. All service fees already paid are not refundable. All product sales or donations are FINAL!
b. Prices for all digital products are calculated and may be charged in the currency depending on the region of Service purchase. However, we have currently set up our fees only in USD but may add EUR in the future. We do not yet use crypto currencies for our products, but if we do, the no refund policy applies to them as well as to all our our services.
c. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, all payments for digital products, research letters or Subscription Plans are non-refundable, unless otherwise agreed with Subscriber in writing. Product excerpts or previews exist on every shops product page allowing potential customers to get an inside peek view into our products before purchasing.
d. Price for products offered via our Service may change at any time and does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of price reduction or promotional offering.
e. Our single research letters as offered in our shop can’t be canceled as they will be either delivered immediately after payment or made ready for instant download. We do not reimburse our research letters but in case of not receiving, our customer service resent them upon proof of purchase. Should there be technical problems or delays, we replace the product or refund the paid price; at our choice.
f. Whenever a customer decides to cancel any subscription plan, already paid services can be used until the end of the billing cycle. After that, the Service is downgraded to the FREE plan.
g. We reserve the right to occasionally offer refunds, discounts or other considerations in select circumstances at our sole discretion. Please note that each circumstance is unique and electing to make such an offer in one instance does not create the obligation to do so in another. In no circumstances or for any reason we provide any complimentary refund for digital goods purchased at or below USD15/order or the equivalant of crypto currency if it applies.
h. Besides cancelling your subscriptions at your account at any time, you have also the option to cancel your complete profile with us, deleting in the process all your posts, pages and custom post types. This action can’t be undone but you can re-register for any of our subscriptions at any time. Except for SEO, you can also purchase most of our research letters as Guest although at a higher price as no member discounts will apply.
i. Customers can cancel their subscriptions at any time. They are also allowed to delete their account entirely. Here are some guidelines for Subscription Cancelation and/or Account Deletion:
- To CANCEL your subscription, go to your “Account“, select the subscription tab or send us an email.
- To DELETE your “Account” and profile (not recoverable), click on your “DELETE ACCOUNT” tab in your account. Have your password handy.
2. Non-Digital Goods
We do NOT have currently non-digital goods on sale. Should we change our marketing and sales strategies, we will update our return policy on this page.
Last Published/Updated: June 02, 2022 v.1.01