We have researched the Internet for 20 years and found that the Master of knowledge and dedication about the Unique Value Proposition or UVP is certainly McGlaughlin and his team. He explained tirelessly over decades why establishing an UVP is so important. He does so with videos, seminars, courses, lectures, A/B tests, case studies, many articles and papers.
You may wonder what the Unique Value Proposition is? Well, in short, it explains to the visitors in a few words why they should buy from you. The benefits you offer and what is special about your product or services not seen at the competition.
That might seem obvious for many, but formulating and establishing an UVP can take weeks. Nothing is as easy as it looks and the UVP even has a formula on its own.
The unique value proposition is much more important than many do imagine. Not having one means having less sales, the center point of being on the Internet. Not having one means spending advertising money less focused as it should be.
We have plenty more links to UVP videos and articles by McGlaughlin and others in our dedicated research letter. Visit our shop and take a look at UVP and its sister research about UVP.
We talked with many clients about the Unique Value Proposition and everyone agreed - but did nothing. Their websites, even e-commerce stores, did not include UVP as it should. For the lazy ones, the UVP may not be necessarily required to be different on every page, but one should be displayed there.
When listening to McGlaughlin we wonder why not more Internet marketer or retailers using UVP/VP or even USP. It seems the inherent complexity does prevent many from trying to understand and focus on that very important issue.
Link-Maul.Com designed an UVP and we hope it does not sound like a slogan. But in any case, there is no ambiguity about what our site is about. No matter where our clients arrive, they will be informed what our site can do for them. We are very well aware that they do not arrive all via the front door of our site. In a way, that gives hope as we can customize and target every page as its own profit center.
An UVP is not exactly the same as an USP or unique selling proposition although it is seen by many synonymously. The UVP or VP is the core strategy of a business, includes emotions and feelings besides the benefits while the very similar USP is more fluid and flexible and strongly related to the product or service sold. Unique selling propositions can be many while a UVP can be only one. Both help to express and to distinguish you from the competition.
At best, the UVP or even a USP should appear on every page of a website. Customers must be reminded continuously what your business is about and how you can help them nobody else is able to.
Do you remember the research that each visitor spends only a few seconds on a site before he leaves it for good? And even if he returns, he might do so up to seven times before any purchase? We certainly try everything possible to make his path to any purchase as easy as possible. How about you? Start considering implementing a VP?
To get a feeling about the complexity of the unique value proposition, have a look at a free UVP video by McGlaughli called: Discovering Your Value Proposition. It is an older one but provides a good introduction.
For the uninitiated, both UVP and USP seem to be the same and it may take a while to differentiate between them. Certainly, if you do not know your UVP, how can your clients be swayed to consider your business to be the right one for them?
Is a UVP a slogan? As the UVP vs. Slogan comparison goes and as Mihaela explained so nice at LinkedIn, "The slogan should be the artistic and condensed expression of a well defined value proposition, memorable and embedded in the brand personality."
Do you understand that? We do, although any VP is already rather short by definition. Nobody could express better than her the relationship and difference between slogan and UVP. Certainly not by us.
© Last Published/Updated: June 14, 2022 v.1.00
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